The PopUp Menu

When you right click on the icon in your system tray, you will get a small popup menu. In this menu you will find the following options:

This will Exit the program.
Show small
This will Show the program in a small version, with just the VU Meters.
Show medium
This will Show the program in a medium version, with the VU Meters, Voltage group and Fan group..
Show Big
This will Show the program in a large version, the VUMeters, Voltage group, Fan group and Option tabs
This will expand and then you can select About for info about the program, Help to get to this help file, E-mail author to e-mail me and Visit Web Page to go to the Motherboard Monitor web page.
Update CPU Mhz

This will make MBM re-calculate your CPU speed, a 1 second pause will appear right after you select this.

Start Log
This option will not be there the 1st time you start the program. It will be visible when you check the appropriate box in the General Tab. Clicking this will Start the interval log.
Stop Log
This option will not be there the 1st time you start the program. It will be visible when you check the appropriate box in the General Tab. Clicking this will Stop the interval log.
View Log
This option will not be there the 1st time you start the program. It will be visible when you check the appropriate box in the General Tab . Clicking this will show you a sub menu, select the log file type you would like to view here.
Delete Log
This option will not be there the 1st time you start the program. It will be visible when you check the appropriate box in the General Tab . Clicking this will Delete the interval logs.